Friday, June 11, 2010

Get off Nicki Minaj!!

Okay I guess the only way for played out rap chicks to make money is dissing Nicki Minaj, right? I mean ya'll really need to get off her stuff because she is not messing with none of ya'll so back down. First it was the wack female rapper "Keys" now it's this other chick. Ya'll just mad because the Barbie Revolution was taking over 2010 and no one was going to listen to killing people and all them other wack raps ya'll come up with!! And what's up with ya'll calling her a slut? Obviously she is focused on her money and not focused on getting dick. And any chick can be a barbie, there is not just white one's! Any black chick can have blonde, green, purple, and orange hair, it doesn't matter. You don't have to be white to get a certain hair color you want. And as Nicki Minaj said she doesn't respond to stupidity cause' she doesn't have to!! Ya'll just mad because ya'll ain't getting much shine as Nicki Minaj! And her and Wayne are good ass friends there's no way Wayne's dick is in her butt! And she rights her own raps you lame female rappers! Why would Wayne and Drake actually write about Barbie's && Kens? GET A LIFE && GET OFF NICKI MINAJ!!!!
Latest Diss Video: The video will be located on this blog ---->

WTF is Y.B.A Shamra?

All OMG Girlz home schooled?

Ok so why are all the OMG Girlz home schooled again? Their not even famous yet! && Did I mention they will eventually become socially retarded? Or maybe even anti-social? They are eventually are going to have to stop the home schooling crap Tiny(: